
Pyromaniac PRM: Index (vector)

Pyromaniac PRM: Index (vector)

RISC OS PyromaniacIndex (Vectors)

&10EventV21,4 - ExpansionMouseScrollScroll event has been triggered by the userPointer devices (supplement for Pyromaniac)
&38PointerV4 - ExtendedRequestRequest information about the current pointing device positionPointer devices (supplement for Pyromaniac)
&3FRTCVAbstracted interface to the real time clockReal Time Clock vector
&3FRTCV0 - ReadTimeRead time from hardware Real Time ClockReal Time Clock vector
&3FRTCV1 - WriteTimeUpdate hardware Real Time Clock with a new valueReal Time Clock vector
&2CVideoVGraphics operation abstractionVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV0 - Text_ChangeDestinationNotifies the text system when redirection occursVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV1 - Text_DefineCharDefines the bitmap of a text characterVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV2 - Text_SetTextColourChange the colour used for rendering textVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV3 - Text_WriteTextCharRender a character on the screenVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV4 - Text_TextCursorRender a cursor on the screenVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV5 - Text_ClearBoxClear a region of the screen for textVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV16 - Graf_SetColour1Selects a colour to use as the primary drawing colourVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV17 - Graf_SetColour2Selects a colour to use as the secondary drawing colour (background)Video drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV18 - Graf_ChangeDestinationNotifies the graphics system when redirection occursVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV19 - Graf_ChangeBaseNotifies the graphics system that the destination base has changedVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV20 - Graf_ReadPrimitivesRead primitive operations to use for the current outputVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV21 - Graf_RectangleRender a rectangleVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV22 - Graf_TriangleRender a triangleVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV23 - Graf_ParallelogramRender a parallelogramVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV24 - Graf_BlockCopyCopy a rectangleVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV25 - Graf_CircleOutlineRender the outline of a circleVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV26 - Graf_CircleFillRender a filled circleVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV27 - Graf_CircleArcRender the outline of an circle arcVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV28 - Graf_CircleSegmentRender a filled segment of a circleVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV29 - Graf_CircleSectorRender a filled sector of a circleVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV30 - Graf_EllipseOutlineRender the outline of an ellipseVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV31 - Graf_EllipseFillRender a filled ellipseVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV32 - Graf_FillRightFill a line right from a positionVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV33 - Graf_FillLeftAndRightFill a line left and right from a positionVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV34 - Graf_FillFloodFlood fill a regionVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV35 - Graf_PolyHLineFill multiple horizontal linesVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV512 - Pointer_DefineDefine a pointer shapeVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV513 - Pointer_SelectSelect a pointer for useVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV514 - Pointer_UpdateUpdates the location of the pointer on the screenVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV515 - Pointer_RemoveRemoves the pointer from the screenVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV516 - Pointer_SetPaletteSet a colour used by the pointerVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV768 - Mode_VetModeCheck the validity of a modeVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV769 - Mode_SetModeSelect a screen mode for useVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV770 - Mode_ScrollHardware scroll of the displayVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV771 - Mode_SetPaletteChange displayed colours in paletted modesVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV772 - Mode_EnableEnable display hardwareVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV773 - Mode_DisableDisable display hardwareVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV774 - Mode_PowerSaveSelect a power saving mode for the displayVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV775 - Mode_SetRGBTableModify RGB mapping tables (gamma tables)Video drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV776 - Mode_AccelConfigureConfigure acceleration optionsVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV777 - Mode_AccelControlImmediate control operations for accelerationVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV778 - Mode_DisplaySelectSelect a display for useVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV800 - Mode_BankCountRead number of supported screen banksVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV801 - Mode_BankDisplayChange the displayed screen bankVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV802 - Mode_BankDriverChange the screen bank used by VDU driversVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV803 - Mode_BankCopyCopy a screen bankVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV1024 - TTX_InitInitialise teletext modeVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV1025 - TTX_ClearBoxClear a region of the displayVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV1026 - TTX_UpdateUpdate the frame buffer with teletext changesVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV1027 - TTX_WriteCharWrite a character to the teletext screenVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV1028 - TTX_ScrollScroll a region of the teletext bufferVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV1029 - TTX_FlashStateChange the flash state of the teletext bufferVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV1030 - TTX_ReadCharRead a character from the teletext bufferVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV1031 - TTX_TextCursorInvert the text cursor in the teletext screenVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV1032 - TTX_SetQualityChange the quality of teletext renderingVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)
&2CVideoV1033 - TTX_RevealStateChange the reveal state for hidden charactersVideo drivers (supplement for RISC OS Pyromaniac)