
Pyromaniac PRM: FanController

Pyromaniac PRM: FanController

RISC OS PyromaniacFanController


Almost all modern systems require cooling. Usually this is managed through air movement controlled by a fan. Other solutions exist for cooling but the fan is the most common). In some implementations these fans are always powered, but many have some controls, and some have monitoring of their current state as well.

Any system may have a number of these fans and they may be located in different positions within the computer system, or even outside it. The FanController module provides a means by which drivers may expose controls and information about the attached fans.

The FanController module allows the following operations to be performed on a fan:

  • Listing the known fans.
  • Reading the fan speed.
  • Setting the fan speed.
  • Changing driver control type, from manual to automatic.

The FanController module does not perform management or regulation of the fans within the system.

RISC OS Pyromaniac7.48


Fan - A device which provides thermal regulation of devices.

Fan Driver - A module which provides information and/or control for a fan.

Location - A physical position in which a fan may be placed, relative to the computer system.

Technical details


The FanController module provides an interface which users can call to obtain information about the fans attached to the computer system. It does so through registered drivers which can control a single fan. Applications and tools call the FanController to request information about the fans. The FanController dispatches the requests, if necessary, to the drivers which handle the fans.

Relationship between components
Relationship between components


Although Fans within the context of the FanController are generally considered to be devices that move air to perform cooling, there are other mechanisms for cooling. These can still be managed through the FanController system, although it is recommended that they express their function in terms of the duty-cycle percentage, rather than RPM speed.

Fans can be operate in one of three modes of control:

  • Manual control. In this mode, the fan is given speeds by the user, and it runs at that speed until a new speed is given.
  • Automatic control. In this mode, the fan driver is controlling the speed, and attempts by the user to change the fan speed will be ineffective. This mode will be offered by fan drivers which can either control the speed themselves, or which interface with hardware which offers an automatic management mode.
  • Managed control. In this mode, the fan driver is being managed by another module within the system. This control mode is informational, as the operations to control the speed will be effective, but the managing module will override the speed controls as it manages the fan. Fan drivers are never informed that they are running in 'managed' mode - to them it appears that they are under manual control. User interface components should not allow manual changes to fans which are under managed control.

They can be controlled to operate at specific speeds, usually reported in RPM. Or they can be controlled as fractions of their full speed, reported as a percentage. The fan may be unable to report a speed if it has no explicit controls - it may only be able to be turned on and off. Some fans may be able to report that they have failed, either because they are detected as broken, or monitoring reports that they are not performing correctly.

Most fans do not have completely variable controls, and do not allow any set of speeds to be selected. The Fan driver may declare the speeds which the fan can achieve or the accuracy at which it select them. For example, a given fan might only be able to run at 2200, 3000, 3400 and 3900 RPM, and so would report those as the only speeds it provides. Or it might only be able to control the percentage at 10% intervals, so would report an accuracy of 10%.


The following fan speeds values and ranges are used within the FanController interfaces:

<= -3Reserved for future error codes
-2Error: Fan has failed
-1Error: Fan is disconnected
0Fan is disabled
1-100Fan is duty-cycle (or equivalent) controlled, to a percentage value. 0 and 100 may be used for binary controlled fans
101Fan operating under automatic control and its speed is not determined
>= 200Fan speed in RPM

Control mode

Fans may be placed into different control modes. Not all fans will support all modes, and this will be indicated by the fan capability flags. The following control modes are used within the FanController interfaces:

-1Fan system error
0Manual speed control (user is controlling the speed)
1Managed speed control (system component is controlling the speed)
8Automatic speed control (favour performance)
9Automatic speed control (favour quietness)
10-15Automatic speed control (reserved for future expansion)

Capability flags

Fan drivers may have different capabilities, and may be able to support different modes of operation. These can be declared through the capabilities flags. This is a 32bit value containing bit values which describe what the fan can do.

0Set:Fan supports manual configuration
Clear:Fan does not support manual configuration
1Set:Fan supports automatic configuration
Clear:Fan does not support automatic configuration
2Set:Fan supports changing location
Clear:Fan does not support changing location
3Set:Fan may report failure errors
Clear:Fan cannot report failure errors
4-27Reserved, must be 0

Cooling device type:

0Air cooling fan
1Air cooling piezoelectic pump
2Peltier cooling (for a pump driving cooling)
3Liquid cooling (for a pump driving cooling)
4-15Reserved for future expansion

The FanController module will use these capabilities to restrict the calls that can be made and avoid calls to the FanDriver.

Location identifier

Fans may be located in different positions relative to the system which is reporting their state. Each fan must supply a location identifier which describes where the fan is located. This is an enumerated set which should allow user interfaces give a visual representation, or description, of the fan locations. Fan locations are broken down into three major parts, held in a word:

0-7Location identifier, dependant on the device type
8-15Sequence number, dependant on the device type
16-23Device type
24-31Reserved, must be 0

  • Device type - this indicates the area or entity that the fan is associated with. This allows the user to identify what type of device the fan is trying to cool. The following device types are defined:

    0CPU device
    1GPU device
    2Memory device
    3I/O card
    4-15Reserved for discrete internal components
    16PSU fan
    17Backplane fan
    18Radiator fan (fans attached to radiators on passive or active cooling)
    19Chassis fan
    20-31Reserved for macro internal components
    32External fan
    33-239Reserved for other devices
    240-254Reserved for users
    255Generic fan, unknown properties
  • Sequence number - this gives more information about which device or location is being described. The meaning differs depending on the device type. For internal devices this sequence number describes the instance of the device which is being cooled. For example, where multiple CPUs exist, each fan will be associated with the CPUs by the sequence number.
  • Location - The location in relation to the device. The meaning of this field is dependant on the device type.

Each of these device types has an assignment for the location and sequence number within the location identifier. This allows more specific locations to be supplied to the user.

CPU device

Fan locations
0On chip
otherReserved for future expansion
Sequence numbers

The sequence number describes the CPU number to which the fan is attached. The value 255 should be used for unknown CPU numbers.

GPU device

Fan locations
0On chip
otherReserved for future expansion
Sequence numbers

The sequence number describes the GPU number to which the fan is attached. The value 255 should be used for unknown GPU numbers.

Memory device

Fan locations
0On module (where a fan cools a single module)
1On CPU bank (where a fan cools a bank of memory modules associated with a CPU)
2On channel (where a fan cools a single channel for a bank of modules)
3On riser (where a fan cools a collection of memory modules on a riser card)
otherReserved for future expansion
Sequence numbers

The sequence number describes the component to which the fan is attached. The value 255 should be used for unknown component numbers.

I/O card

Fan locations
0On card
otherReserved for future expansion
Sequence numbers

The sequence number describes the card to which the fan is attached. The value 255 should be used for unknown card numbers. The meaning of this card number is implementation defined.

PSU fans

Fan locations

Position described within the logical space of the device, as described by facing the front of the device:

0Lateral position: Unspecified
1Lateral position: Left
2Lateral position: Middle
3Lateral position: Right
0Longitudinal position: Unspecified
1Longitudinal position: Front
2Longitudinal position: Middle
3Longitudinal position: Rear
0Vertical position: Unspecified
1Vertical position: Lower
2Vertical position: Middle
3Vertical position: Upper
64-254Reserved for future expansion
255Unspecified location
Sequence numbers

The sequence number distinguishes multiple devices in the specified location.

Backplane fans

Fan locations

Backplane fans use the same fan locations as described in PSU fans, above.

Sequence numbers

The sequence number distinguishes multiple devices in the specified location.

Radiator fans

Radiator fans are fans which are attached to cool the radiators used by active or passive cooling systems such as heat pipes or liquid cooling heat exchanges.

Fan locations

Radiator fans use the same fan locations as described in PSU fans, above.

Sequence numbers

The sequence number distinguishes multiple devices in the specified location.

Chassis fans

Fan locations

Backplane fans use the same fan locations as described in PSU fans, above.

Sequence numbers

The sequence number distinguishes multiple devices in the specified location.

External fans

Fan locations
1External drive array
2External device
64Desk fan
255Unspecified location
Sequence numbers

The sequence number distinguishes multiple devices in the specified location.

Generic fans

Fan locations
0Unknown location
Sequence numbers

The sequence number may be used to distinguish devices.

Fan registration

Fans are registered with FanController through SWI FanController_Register when they are detected. If they are removed, or the driver is terminated, the fan is deregistered with SWI FanController_Deregister. On registration the fan will be assigned an identifier which is unique to this execution of the FanController. The fan identifiers will be recycled if the FanController is restarted.

Change notifications

The FanController will issue notifications as its state changes. This allows other modules and applications to recognise and handle these transitions. For modules, service calls are issued for the state transitions. For applications, a pollword may be updated to indicate that the state of the fans has changed. Strictly, modules could also use the pollword system, although it would be less efficient than simply using the pollwords.

The SWI FanController_TaskPollWord interface allows applications to recognise events by one of three bits being set - a bit which indicates that the controller has died, a bit which indicates that the registrations have changed, and a bit which indicates that fan error state has changed. These notifications are coarse (they do not indicate which fan identifier has been changed) because pollwords are limited to only 32bits, and it is therefore not possible to communicate more information. Applications should act appropriately to locate whether the devices they are interested in have changed.

After the FanController module has started, it will issue Service_FanController_Started on a callback. This allows drivers to register themselves with the FanController. Services are delivered to modules in order of the module registration, and the state of the system may change between initialisations, so fan drivers (and other users of FanController) must not rely on being given the same fan identifier between initialisations.

When the FanController module is killed, it will issue Service_FanController_Dying. At that point, all drivers have been automatically deregistered. Fan drivers should take note that they are no longer registered, and users of the fan system should forget all fan identifiers. Application pollwords will be updated to indicate that the module has died, and applications seeing this bit indicated should treat all fan identifiers as invalid and begin any fan identification process as necessary.

When a new fan is registered or an existing fan is deregistered, the FanController will issue Service_FanController_FanChanged. This allows modules to recognise the coming and going of fan drivers and to update their state appropriately. Application pollwords will be updated to indicate that the registrations have changed. Applications should enumerate the fans to identify whether the fan(s) that they are monitoring have been affected. In many cases, this may just be a new fan driver being loaded, or an existing fan driver being re-initialised. In the former case, the enumeration will show up the new fan. In the latter case, fans being monitored may still be present in the enumeration, but will have changed their fan identifier.

When a fan driver identifies an error state (or that an error state has been resolved) it should issue Service_FanController_FanChangedState. This notifies any modules that the fan is (or is no longer) reporting an error. This state change is reported by the fan driver directly, as it will recognise the error state and can report the information to the FanController and other modules through the service. The FanController will record this error state notification, and will update the application pollwords to report the error condition. Applications should note that the error state may have already been resolved by the time they receive the notification through the pollword.

Fan speed changes are not notified through the service calls. Speed changes could happen many times per second, and can affect every single device. As such, notifications would themselves become a significant part of the system's processing. Additionally, the fan speed may be automatically managed by a fan controller, and the speed be only a value that the driver can read. Such cases make it impossible to accurately report that the speed has changed. Applications and modules wishing to track fans should provide a configurable cadence for polling for the fan speed to allow an appropriate trade off between system utilisation and responsiveness. In many cases, a polling period measured in seconds will have a negligable effect on performance, and interface updates at that speed would be acceptable to most users.

Service calls

Service_FanController_StartedService Call &10080
Annoucement that the FanController module has been started
R0=API version * 100
R1=Service number (&10080)

This service is issued by FanController on a callback once the module has initialised. On receipt of this service, fan drivers may register the fans that they control with the module. Drivers may call any of the FanController SWIs.

Service_FanController_DyingService Call &10081
Announcement that FanController is shutting down
R1=Service number (&10081)

This service is issued by FanController when it is killed. No further SWI calls should be made to the module. It is should be assumed that all registered fans are no longer registered.

Service_FanController_FanChangedService Call &10082
Announcement of a change in the registered fans
R0=Fan identifier
R1=Service number (&10082)
R2=1 if a fan has been registered, 0 if a fan has been deregistered

This service call is issued by FanController when the list of fans has been changed, either by registration or deregistration.

Service_FanController_FanChangedStateService Call &10083
A change has occurred in the state of a fan state
R0=Fan identifier
R1=Service number (&10082)
R2=Fan state, as a speed - either a negative value or a speed

This service call may be issued by a fan driver if it detects a transition into or out of an error state. The new state, given in R2, indicates either an error condition, or a regular fan speed (>= 0) to indicate that a fan has begun working. This service call should not be issued for changes in speed when running normally.

SWI calls

FanController_VersionSWI &10080
Read the API version for the FanController
R0=Version number of the API * 100 (1.01 for this version)
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to read the API version for the FanController module. Updated minor versions may introduce new features to the API. Major versions will be incompatible.

FanController_EnumerateSWI &10081
Enumerate the fans known to FanController
R0=0 for first call, or value from previous call to continue enumeration
R0=Fan identifier of this fan, or -1 if there are no more entries to enumerate
R1=Location identifier for this fan
R2=Capability flags for this fan
R3=Pointer to the provider name for this fan
R4=Speed accuracy, in RPM, or values 1-100 for duty-cycle control, or 0 for unknown accuracy
R5=Maximum supported speed in RPM, or 100 if fan uses duty-cycle control or can only be turned on and off, or -1 if unknown
R6=Pointer to a table of words describing the supported speeds, terminated by a -1 word, or 0 if arbitrary speeds (constrained by the accuracy) may be used.
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to enumerate the fans which are known to the FanController module. It should be called initially with R0 = 0 and each subsequent call should supply the fan identifier returned from the previous call. The enumeration terminates with the return of a -1 in R0, indicating that there is no more data (and that the other registers are not populated).

Enumeration is not guaranteed to be in strictly ascending order of fan identifiers. If an ordered list is desired, the caller should sort the returned values.

FanController_InfoSWI &10082
Read information about a fan
R0=Fan identifier to get information on
R0=Fan identifier
R1=Location identifier for this fan
R2=Capability flags for this fan
R3=Pointer to the provider name for this fan
R4=Speed accuracy, in RPM, or values 1-100 for duty-cycle control, or 0 for unknown accuracy
R5=Maximum supported speed in RPM, or 100 if fan uses duty-cycle control or can only be turned on and off, or -1 if unknown
R6=Pointer to a table of words describing the supported speeds, terminated by a -1 word, or 0 if arbitrary speeds (constrained by the accuracy) may be used.
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to return information about a specific fan. The returned parameters are the same as those returned by the FanController_Enumerate call.

FanController_SpeedSWI &10083
Read or set the speed of a fan
R0=Fan identifier to read or set
R1=Speed to set the fan to, or -1 to read the current speed
R1=Current speed when reading the speed, or the selected speed if setting the speed
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to read or set the speed of the fan. It is an error to attempt to select one of the negative values for the fan speed (which indicate errors). Selecting a fan speed which is not one of the valid speeds for the fan may select the closest speed which can be achieved.

FanController_ConfigureSWI &10084
Configure the operation of the fan
R0=Fan identifier to configure

Reason code for configuring the fan:

0Configure the type of control of the fan
1Change the location identifier reported by the fan
R2=Parameter to configure
R2=Result parameter
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to configure the fan beyond the basic fan speed. Consult the individual reason codes for more detail on the operation.

FanController_Configure 0ControlModeSWI &10084
Configure the type of control of the fan
R0=Fan identifier to configure
R1=Reason code (0)
R2=Control mode or -1 to read the control mode
R2=Current control mode
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to configure how the fan speed is controlled. When under manual control, the fan remains at the speed set. When under automatic control, the fan reacts to the system to control its speed. The manner in which it detects its needs is implementation defined.

FanController_Configure 1ChangeLocationSWI &10084
Change the location identifier reported by the fan
R0=Fan identifier to configure
R1=Reason code (1)
R2=New location identifier for this fan
R2=New location identifier
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to change the location reported by the fan. The location identifier is purely informational, but it may be useful to allow the user to change the location, particularly in fans whose location is configurable, or for which the interface to which they are connected has no means of determining a location. For example, a serial controlled fan might be fitted in many locations in a chassis which would not be identifiable to the driver.

FanController_TaskPollWordSWI &10085
Register or deregister a pollword for FanController to update
R0=Pointer to word-aligned pollword
R1=Bit number (0-31) to set when FanController dies, or -1 to set no bit
R2=Bit number (0-31) to set when a driver is registered or deregistered, or -1 to set no bit
R3=Bit number (0-31) to set when a driver changes its error state, or -1 to set no bit
R0 - R3preserved
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to register or deregister a pollword with the FanController module. If all the registration bits are supplied as -1, the pollword will be deregistered. The pollword address supplied in R0 must be in globally addressable memory (such as the relocatable module area), and must be writeable in SVC mode.

When the FanController reaches one of the three events (FanController death, driver registration/deregistration, or driver error state change) it will update the pollword by setting the bit requested. Applications may use the pollword in their SWI Wimp_Poll calls. On servicing the pollword event, it is the responsibility of the application to clear the pollword bits.

This SWI was added in API version 1.01.

FanController_RegisterSWI &10090
Register a fan with FanController
R0=Pointer to driver code entry point
R1=Workspace value to pass in R12 to the entry point
R2=Location identifier for this fan
R3=Capability flags for this fan
R4=Pointer to the provider name for this fan
R5=Speed accuracy, in RPM, or values 1-100 for duty-cycle control, or 0 for unknown accuracy
R6=Maximum supported speed in RPM, or 100 if fan uses duty-cycle control or can only be turned on and off, or -1 if unknown
R7=Pointer to a table of words describing the supported speeds, terminated by a -1 word, or 0 if arbitrary speeds (constrained by the accuracy) may be used.
R0=Fan identifier assigned to this fan
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to register a new fan with the FanController module. The fan will be announced using Service_FanController_FanChanged. The fan will appear in the list of enumerated fans, and may be controlled once this call has returned.

FanController_DeregisterSWI &10091
Deregister a fan with FanController
R0=Fan identifier to deregister
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled
Processor is in SVC mode
SWI is not re-entrant

This SWI is used to deregister a new fan from the FanController module. The fan's removal will be announced using Service_FanController_FanChanged.

Entry points

Entry point for FanDriver operations

Reason code:

0Read the speed of the fan
1Set the speed of the fan
2Read the control mode for the fan
3Set the control mode for the fan
4Set the location for the fan
R1=Fan identifier to operate on
R2=Location identifier of the fan
R3 - R9=Dependant on reason code
R0=Preserved if recognised, or -1 if reason code is not recognised
R1 - R9=Dependant on reason code
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are undefined
Processor is in SVC mode
Not defined

The FanDriver entry point is called by the FanController module to perform operations on the Fan. Where possible, the FanController will attempt to report on invalid values supplied to its SWIs before calling the FanDriver module.

FanDriver 0GetSpeed
Read the speed of the fan
R0=Reason code (0)
R1=Fan identifier to operate on
R2=Location identifier of the fan
R3=Fan speed
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are undefined
Processor is in SVC mode
Not defined

This FanDriver entry point is called to read the current fan speed. The fan driver should return the speed of the fan, or one of the error codes.

FanDriver 1SetSpeed
Set the speed of the fan
R0=Reason code (1)
R1=Fan identifier to operate on
R2=Location identifier of the fan
R3=Fan speed
R3=Fan speed
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are undefined
Processor is in SVC mode
Not defined

This FanDriver entry point is called to set the current fan speed. The fan driver should return the speed of the fan that was actually selected, or one of the error codes. The speed will have been filtered by the FanController module to remove invalid values.

This entry point will not be called if the fan does not support manual speed setting.

FanDriver 2GetControlMode
Read the control mode for the fan
R0=Reason code (2)
R1=Fan identifier to operate on
R2=Location identifier of the fan
R3=Control mode
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are undefined
Processor is in SVC mode
Not defined

This FanDriver entry point is called to read the current control mode for the fan. If the control mode cannot be changed, this entry point will not be called.

FanDriver 3SetControlMode
Set the control mode for the fan
R0=Reason code (3)
R1=Fan identifier to operate on
R2=Location identifier of the fan
R3=Control mode
R3=Control mode
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are undefined
Processor is in SVC mode
Not defined

This FanDriver entry point is called to set the control mode for the fan. If the control mode cannot be changed, this entry point will not be called.

FanDriver 4SetLocation
Set the location for the fan
R0=Reason code (4)
R1=Fan identifier to operate on
R2=Location identifier of the fan
R3=New location identifier

Flag to indicate whether the change was allowed:

0Set location ok
-1Set location was invalid
Interrupts are undefined
Fast interrupts are undefined
Processor is in SVC mode
Not defined

This FanDriver entry point is called to request that the fan's location be changed. The driver can decide whether the new location is reasonable or not and respond appropriately. For example, a Fan driver for a CPU fan might reject changes to a device which is not a CPU, or a driver for a chassis fan which may be placed at the front or rear may only allow those two locations.

Error messages

Error_BadFanError &10040
Invalid fan identifier to FanController

This error is returned when a fan identifier has been supplied which is not known.

Error_BadConfigureError &10041
Invalid FanController_Configure reason code

This error is returned when an invalid reason code is supplied to FanController_Configure.

Error_BadControlModeError &10042
Invalid control mode supplied to FanController_Configure 0

This error is returned when an invalid control mode is supplied for a fan to FanController_Configure.

Error_RegisterFailedError &10043
Registration of fan could not be performed

This error is returned when the registration of a fan failed. This might be because there is insufficient memory to hold the registration, or because a limit has been reached on the fans.

Error_InitFailedError &10044
Initialisation of the module failed

An error occured during module initialisation which could not be recovered from.

Error_CannotSetSpeedError &10050
Fan speed request cannot be met

This error is returned when FanController_SetSpeed cannot select the speed requested. This may happen if the speed requested was not valid, or is outside the range supported by the fan.

Error_CannotSetLocationError &10051
Fan speed request cannot be met

This error is returned when FanController_Configure 1 cannot change the location of the fan. This might be returned if the driver knows that the fan only exists in one location, and thus it cannot be repositioned.


List the fans registered with FanController

The *FansInfo command is used to display a list of the fans that are registered with FanController and their current state.

*Fans #1 FArgoN Chassis (front) 100% #2 DeskPi CPU 50%
Control or display the speed of a fan
*FanSpeed fan-id speed
<fan-id>-Fan identifier number.
<speed>-Fan speed, as a percentage 1-100, as an RPM over 200, or 0 to turn off.

The *FanSpeed command can be used to display the speed of a specified fan, or to set its speed.

*Fan 0 0 : 100%


List the fans registered with FanContrller

REM List the fans we know about
fan_id% = 0
    SYS "FanController_Enumerate", fan_id%,,,"" TO fan_id%, location_id%, capabilities%, provider$, accuracy%, max%, speeds%
    IF fan_id% <> -1 THEN
        PRINT"FanID:        ";fan_id%
        PRINT"Location:     &";~location_id%
        PRINT"Capabilities: &";~capabilities%
        PRINT"Provider:     ";provider$
        PRINT"Accuracy:     ";accuracy%
        PRINT"Max speed:    ";max%
        IF speeds% THEN
            PRINT"Supported speeds:"
            ofs% = 0
            WHILE speeds%!ofs% <> -1
                PRINT"              ";speeds%!ofs%
                ofs% += 4
UNTIL fan_id% = -1